Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday Motivation

Here we are at another Monday and I am thinking about all my teacher friends who are starting back this week or preparing to start next week.  I can't help but think about how fast this summer has gone!

Maybe you are like me and wondering how the time has gotten away from you; that you still have a list of things you were planning on doing that are still undone and you are wanting to squeeze them in before the rush of school and the next season.

I know I have been talking with quite a few people lately who have been so busy this summer they have put themselves on the back burner (again) and not gotten around to the goals they set for themselves about their fitness and health.  UGH! Haven't we all been there? Life just fills our calendar up so much that we take care of others first and find us burning the candle at both ends? Ladies? Mamas?? I know you know!

Well today, I want to tell you, you have a choice! You have a choice to keep going on like you are OR to stop, re-evaluate your goals, and make a plan to go after them! It can be small steps.  Overhauling your life might be too much.  Changing a little here and there over time, adding in more water, eating more proportionately, adding in exercise a few times a week--then building off of that could be your first step.  

Whatever the case, whether you want to start small, whether you want a more intense workout schedule, whether you just want some advice on how to get started and where to start, I would love to help you on this journey! 

Just because summer is ending and you haven't reached your goals means you have to give up! Keep going, get started! Just do!! 

Have a great Monday!


  1. I haven't had time to make it to the gym so my goal is to do an at-home workout at least 3 times a week :) Thanks for the motivation Bekah!

    1. It is hard to find time to get to the gym! You can do it! :)
