Thursday, May 29, 2014

What's For Dinner? : Week 2

Thursday is already here in this short work week! I have been looking forward to sharing this recipe with y'all since I made it.  So let's get right to it!

Cauliflower Pizza
Our family adores pizza and we have tried tons,several, HUNDREDS  quite a few cauliflower crust recipes.  They come out way to mushy, soupy, or more like a casserole than a crust.  The taste is the there but what is missing is the feeling of eating a piece of pizza.  Something I can hold in my hand or cut through with our slicer and here that crisp crunch of the crust. You feel me, pizza lovers??

So I found a recipe I hadn't tried here at Lucky Penny and decided to give it a go. 

Here is what you'll need:
~1 medium head of cauliflower
~1/4 tsp Kosher salt
~1/2 tsp dried basil
~1/2 tsp dried oregano
~1/2 tsp garlic powder
~1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes (I like spice, you could cut this out or use less)
~1/4 cup parmesan cheese
~1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
~1 egg
~your choice of sauce and toppings

***Here is how this recipe was different.  It had me heat my pizza stone before putting the crust on it.  It had me cook the crust on oiled parchment paper on the stone.*** 

First you need to cut your cauliflower into florets and then get them nice and tiny in a food processor.  Or blender.  Whatever you have handy so you don't have to chop it all finely by hand. {Oh yeah, you should be preheating that oven at temp of 450. And don't forget to pop that empty pizza stone (or cookie sheet) in there too!}

You microwave that beautiful mess for 4 minutes. Then let it cool!! Don't rush a good thing people. You will also burn your pretty little paws on the next step if you do rush it!

When your heap of cauliflower is cool, dump it onto a tea towel or thin dish towel.  Then wring out all the excess water.  Cauliflower is one of the veggies that holds a lot of moisture naturally and you well, you just steamed it.  This step has always played a big roll in my pizza crust success. I squeezed and squeezed and got quite a lot of water out. 

Then dump your crust back into a bowl, and add all the ingredients listed above (except the sauce and toppings!)  Mix well with yo' hands!

Then form your crust on that oil piece of parchment I mentioned earlier.  You are going to place that crust on your hot stone.  Cook for 8-11 minutes then remove from the oven for your next step. 

Before cooking

After. Do y'all see how nice that is cooking up? This mama was feeling pretty hopeful about this crust!

Next add your toppings.  For sauce, if you are keeping it clean, mix no sugar/no salt added tomato sauce with some oregano, basil, and smidge of garlic salt to create your own clean sauce.  Spread that on.  Then add whatever you like.  My boys requested "peppy-oni" pizza so I used some turkey pepperoni.  Eh, not the cleanest but, it's better than frozen or delivery. *ahem*

Then pop your pizza back into the oven for an additional 5-7 minutes until the cheese is nice and melty.  

Y'all, I took it out and looked at those crispy edges and was just delighted.  I couldn't wait.  But let me honest, mmmmk.  It wasn't as firm as I'd have liked it to be.  And it stuck to the parchment.  So here is my little tip.  If you have a pizza stone, lightly grease it, and cook it straight on the stone.  I think that would have made all the difference.  The flavor of this pizza was phenomenal it was definitely sturdier than other recipes I've tried, but still could use improvement.  

So get to adding this to your list of must-tries and let me know how it turns out! :) 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Third Trimester

Hello 3rd trimester (almost--we are like days away!) Any other mama's out there going to be battling the summer heat with me? 

If there is one thing I have noticed, it is that I am hungry.  And not like, "oh, I'm pregnant, I want to eat an ice cream cone" hungry.  Like, "I would eat a whole head of broccoli, or bag of carrots, or anything, I am STARVING!!"  

So, I am upping my calories.  I can just tell that I am not getting enough with these longer workouts I am doing.  I am also adding a lot more weight training into my routine.  And although I am upping  my calories, I don't want to just eat anything. So I am really focusing on three areas {two predominately} 1)protein 2)veggies 3)healthy fats.

I want to eat small meals more throughout the day to keep my blood sugar in check.  I hate that feeling of being too full, especially in the third trimester as the baby takes up so much room that eating larger meals can feel uncomfortable.  

I compiled a list of snacks/small meals to keep me on track and thought I'd share with you all! 

1. Hard Boiled Eggs. Awesome protein. Super quick to prep and grab!
2. Almonds. These keep me feeling full longer.  I measure them out using my 21 day fix container so I don't overeat but raw almonds are amazing. Try them cold! :)

 3. Cottage cheese and fruit.  I just found this picture, but you can do any fruit.  I love berries with my cottage cheese. 
4. I love veggies but I am also a big dip girl.  So hummus naturally fills that need and doesn't completely derail me like my other dip choices used to.  Salsa is another dip I like to incorporate. 
 5. When I need a good crunch, these are my go to. Simple and so yummy!

I've also been eating turkey rolled around bell pepper strips, healthy tuna salad (recipe to come).  Avocado gets added to my salads as of late too! Oh, and a friend just gave me a Greek yogurt recipe to try so I will update you on those findings as well! 

What are you eating to keep you on track?? 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Motivational Monday (on a Tuesday)

Hey everyone! I hope you had an amazing Memorial Day weekend with friends and family! I so loved soaking up some quality time with my brood as we remembered those who've served and are serving our country.  

If you are like me, maybe you indulged a little this weekend.  Maybe you are feeling a little bloated, a little fluffy.  Maybe you've been indulging and are feeling tired, sluggish, and just not your best.

It is a new day! If you have a plan- stick to it! Get back on track! And if you don't--GET ONE! I would love to help you find something that will work for you but no matter what, let's keep pushing towards our goals!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What's for dinner?

Happy Thursday! 

Inspired by yesterday's post, I wanted to start a new little series on this blog, "What's for dinner?" I plan to post every Thursday a healthy meal idea, a twist on menu staple making it healthier, a dessert, or *GASP* an occasional indulgence because, let's remember, it's a lifestyle, not a diet! ;)

So today I have a really simple recipe to share with you all! 

Last night, Mr. had to work late and I was planting flowers up until almost dinner time.  My kids are routine.  They like to stay as close to the norm as possible, especially when it comes to meal times.  So this was the perfect meal to whip up because it is super quick.

Chicken and Veggie Stir Fry
Here's what you'll need:
~1 lb. chicken, diced
~2 cups of mix veggies, diced
        ~I use onions, asparagus, yellow squash, carrots, celery, mushrooms
~1 cup {uncooked} rice or quinoa
~Bragg's liquid aminos
**optional ~ 1-2 eggs

I mean seriously, could that get any easier?? That list is not long! If you are super short on time I will share some time savers with you at the end!

First, heat up a teaspoon of olive oil in a large saute pan.  I use the biggest one I have because I generally do this whole meal in that one pan.  While that heats up, dice up your chicken.  Then add it right into the pan.

As your chicken cooks, bring a pot of water to boil to cook your rice or quinoa. Once it is boiling, add the rice/quinoa and reduce heat. 

As those two things are cooking, dice up all your veggies.  I like my veggies pretty small.  But you can do whatever size you want!

Once you see your chicken is cooked through, this is when I up the protein and crack two eggs in.  Scramble them around.  

After your protein is cooked (we don't salmonella) add in your veggies.  Yes, all in the same pan. 

When your rice/quinoa is completely cooked, dump it into your mix and stir.  Make sure everything is well combined and heated through.  Here is where you have two options: you can go ahead and season your dish with the Bragg's Liquid Aminos, or you can let everyone season their own.  This seasoning is super healthy and natural and is a great replacement when you want that soy sauce flavor.  I usually do about 3-4 shakes on the large dish. It is your call, folks!

Then dish it up in a bowl or on plate! 

See? So stinkin' simple! Now- time savers! This whole meal takes about 30 minutes total, including the time to chop! But what if you are rushing the door and don't have 30 minutes? No worries! Here are some ideas!

~Pre-dice your chicken the night before, or in the morning before work, put it in a tupperware in the fridge.  Huge time saver.
~You could take it one step further and use some rotisserie chicken if you really don't want to wait on that chicken to cook through!
~Frozen veggies! Yes, I said it! You can find all different kinds of frozen veggie blends in your grocer's freezer section.  Set them out to thaw a bit while everything else is cooking and then dump that bag in.  Saves tons of time on all the dicing and doesn't take away any of the nutritional value. 
~Last tip- boil in the bag rice, or quick cooking rice.  Choose a brown rice versus a white.

This meal can be put together quicker than the pizza delivery guy showing up to your door! Enjoy!


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What We Are Doing Wrong

Have you ever began a diet or workout expecting to get some amazing results only to get discouraged?? That is the worst feeling ever.  And it often leads us to not trying in the future which won't ever solve anything.  So today I wanted to take a minute to discuss some things that we do that get in our OWN way of success on our journeys.

Our expectations are unrealistic.
When we start out we set really big goals.  When we don't achieve those goals, we get really discouraged.  This discouragement can often derail us from what we are doing.  I often talk to the people I am helping about S.M.A.R.T goals. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-tabled).  

When a challenger comes to be and tells me they want to lose 50 pounds, I am all about helping them.  But if we focus on the 50 pounds the entire time, that person is likely to get discouraged.  So instead, we set some S.M.A.R.T goals.  "I will lose 10 pounds from my start weight during the first month."  That is an absolutely achievable goal for someone with 50 pounds to lose if they are doing the work that needs to be done.  

Another example might be a non-scale focus.  "I want to fit into my jeans from last fall by the end of the month." It is specific, it is measurable (the jeans will fit or they won't) it is attainable (if you fit into them last fall you could very well get back into them) which makes it realistic and there is a time-table involved to push you to reach that goal. 

Making small goals on the road to our big goal helps us to not get discouraged because we are constantly achieving something!

We focus on the workout more than the nutrition.

How many times have you (ME!) thought, "I just killed my workout! I did awesome!" and then gone home to reward yourself with one of your favorite meals or treats?? It does NOT work like that! No matter how hard you push, how hard you train, you can NOT out train a poor diet. Even if you are getting some results, think of what your results COULD BE if you were focusing on nutrition as well??

I am not saying to cut out a food group or count calories until you feel crazy.  I think different people respond to different methods when it comes to nutrition.  For me, I have learned to really limit my starchy carbs and dairy, limit my sugar (other than what is in food naturally), drink lots of water and watch my portions.  I don't generally calorie count.  I know a range I should be in when doing a certain workout program but for calorie counting drives me crazy.  I also meal plan to avoid getting off track.  What strategy works for me not be conducive to another.  But the one thing that is certain, everyone has to focus on nutrition.  It is even more important than the workout, especially if you really want to see some results and reach your goals.

Number three goes right with number two.  Some people really can go without indulging when they are focused on a goal.  Body-builders, figure competitors, etc follow really strict diets when training and preparing for a competition.  I am not training for anything like that.  I also know, the more I tell myself no, the  more I want that specific item! Deprivation for me usually ends up in a binge. I tell my challengers that a treat every now and again is not going to DERAIL you.  {At least it shouldn't}  If you wake up all week with a craving for something, indulge.  Do it in moderation; don't get eat a whole gallon of ice cream of the whole pizza.  Get your taste and move on.  Get right back on track at the next meal or the next day. 

Being healthy is a lifestyle.  I want to enjoy my life.  That means I am going to eat the things I love, just not every meal, every day.  And definitely not in the same portions I used to.  You should too!

I feel like this is one of the MOST important but is often the most underrated part of starting a fitness journey.  If no one knows your goals; if you don't have support to encourage you to keep going or someone to discuss your struggles; what is going to keep you from quitting? I have seen my own personal success and the success of others come from joining in a group or incorporating support into their fitness journeys.  NONE of us our perfect.  We are going to have bad days.  Having a person or group to encourage us and push us, to remind us of why we started is a difference maker.  If you don't have support, GET SOME! If you don't know where to get it from, comment below or e-mail me! I would love to help you!

Often on this journey to being healthier or more fit we feel like we are failing.  We didn't quite reach that goal as quickly as we wanted.  We had an off day.  We wanted to lose 30 pounds and only lost 25.  We hit a plateau for a week(s).  It just seems like we aren't going anywhere.  

Well that is just bull.  The ONLY time we fail at this journey is when we quit.  We stop trying.  Failing isn't coming up short or not meeting that goal 100%.  Failing is not getting back up, not pushing forward.  

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Great Debate: Tankini or Bikini

**Warning** This post is less fitness related and a whole lot more pregnant mama related.  That being said, read on.

Summer is right around the corner.  This week is upper 80's and I know that the heat is coming to stay.  For my whole third trimester.  Lucky me! :)  Not only does summer mean heat, but it usually means some vacation or trips.  This year my family decided to keep it simple and we are doing a couple of long weekends in July {when I will be a whopping 9 months pregnant}. We are going to a water park and a beach. *ahem* 

Here is my dilemma.  What the heck do I wear?? I have ALWAYS been a big advocate of embracing your body.  One of my dearest friends is fantastically fit but was rocking a tankini after her second because of some stretch marks {that were very minimal}.  I was on her full force about no one caring and to rock a bikini because she had a great body {with or without having had kids} and no little stretch mark should stop it! I would even rock my own bikini while pregnant.  But, and it's a big but, only in the privacy of my own backyard to get some sun, or around my closest friends.  Not to a big public pool. 

So I am trying to figure out--what would you do? Would you wear a bikini 9 months pregnant or go with a tankini?  Let me add this little component also: both trips were are going with my in-laws and my brother-in-law's family.  Does that change your perspective a bit? 

I have seen the cutest preggos doing both and I think both are great.  I just have hesitations.  One: see above.  Would you strut your pregnant self in a bikini on vacation with your in laws? Two: this is not  my first rodeo.  This is my 3rd {THIRD} pregnancy.  I have had two c-sections and gall bladder surgery.  So when my stomach grows, as it does with pregnancy, those beauty marks from experiences of old seem much more prominent than when I was fit.  

Here are some options:

How cute are they? I especially love Tori..the wrap--super cute.  And my current bikinis would fit and the tops are similar to the black and floral.  Here is my hesitation--none of them look to be nine months.  I feel like I am getting close their size now so I am sure I will be bigger in two months.  Hmm...

These are all cute..still semi-trendy. I can get a good tan.  

So thoughts? Suggestions? What would you wear?? Help a preggo out!! 

Friday, May 16, 2014

If you're waiting for a sign..

Happy Friday, y'all!

Can you believe we are halfway through May? Summer is definitely approaching.  And although my belly is growing, I am still working towards my fitness goals.  I wanted to extend an invitation to you.  

I love what I do and I want to help you on your journey.  I am looking for some ladies that are ready to lose belly fat, lose weight and lose inches! If you are willing to commit, ready to make a change in your life and your health, fill out the form below! Join me and others for some fun, some support and accountability, and some results!!

Don't waste another summer sitting on the couch or on the sidelines wishing you would have made a change.  Make the change now! You will be AMAZED at what can take place in a short time! So....

Check out what is possible with a some motivation and support..and a kick butt system! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

You've gotta get some!

So my post about pregnancy cravings.  I still hold strong to that.  Because I know full on today, I was craving anything in particular.  I was craving junk.  Not the baby, me.  Straight up comfort food.  The ooey-gooey kind that makes you feel warm inside and just makes the world right.  There are a lot of things that could have done.  I could have gave in.  I could have completely ignored it.  Or, I could just satisfy that craving with a little mockery.  

Clean eating does not have to be, it absolutely should not be BORING! Or bland.  You should still get to have the foods you love, just better. Smarter; cleaner. 

So I looked at what I had and I looked at my Pinterest board for some inspiration (what did we do BEFORE Pinterest???) and there it was.  A little gem I had recently pinned.  The original recipe and post can be found here.  

Tonight's dinner:
Spaghetti Squash Mac and Cheese

I am not one who wants to spend that much time in the kitchen for a couple of reasons. One- I have better things to do (play with my kids, go for a walk, paint my nails, read a book, etc) Two- I am a taster. Sip of that, nibble of this.  All kinds of extra calories get added into my day and I am none the wiser (or thinner!) Three- I really like to be in the bake.  And by bake, I mean whip up some mean sweet treats and I generally don't have a lot of will power. And see number two again. ;)

That being said, I was a little turned off because I felt this meal would require a lot of time.  FALSE.  Not true.  Most of the time related to this dish is said dish baking in the oven.  Like two hours of it.  Wait--don't run away.  An hour and 20 is spent baking that yummy spaghetti squash, the ingredient that makes this little dream possible.  But there are tons of ways to save time.  Like bake it in the crock pot all day so when you get home from work or whatever you spent your day doing, you can just scoop those noodles out and carry on. BAM! Half the time already gone from this dinner.  Honestly, it is three simple steps!

I called this a clean cheat.  It is mostly clean.  The squash acts as your noodles and cuts WAAAAYY down on the ol' calorie total.  I used skim milk but whole fat cheeses.  That makes it a little less calorie friendly but still clean.  So still watch your portions.  I don't eat a whole lot of cheese anymore and I hadn't had any healthy fats yet today so it worked out alright.  

So seriously, if you are hankering for some down home cooking but do not what to get totally off track, this meal hits the spot.  Pair it with a salad, a glass of vino, or heck, a slice of really tasty bread if you really want to indulge.  

You can thank me later! 

Insert clever title here..

A title for this post eludes me. Why, you ask? Let me tell you.

All my energy is consumed with repairing my muscles.  S to the O-R-E.  I am seriously, seriously sore!!  I am in week two of Brazil Butt Lift and it is lifting and kicking my booty into shape simultaneously.  

Don't let Leandro with his cute accent and good time moves fool you.  He gets me every time.  The girls are smiling and lifting their weights and he is speaking some Portuguese at me while he says, "Shake your bum bum!"  

And then the next morning, POW!! Can hardly move. And let me tell you, I LOVE IT!  

Seriously, I know I've done this program before but it has been awhile.  I am amazed at the changes I am seeing in my arms and legs already.  I feel like my booty is even getting tighter.  ***which can we just recognize together that a tighter booty during your second (almost third) trimester is a quite a feat.. 

I have definitely had moments the past couple of weeks where I have thought about not working out.  I mean, I just don't always feel like it and to be honest, my belly isn't getting any smaller and I sure don't feel super hot grooving and moving with my baby bump.  But that really isn't why I wanted to stay committed to this lifestyle in the first place.  I mean, yes, in part I definitely would love to not have to struggle {as much} to get back to my pre-pregnancy body.  

But really, the BIG picture purpose behind this lifestyle has never been so much about my appearance.  It has been about feeling confident and healthy; about keeping up with my kids; about making sure my boys grow up with a healthy example so they don't ever struggle with weight or the unhealthy side effects of a sedentary lifestyle.  And staying committed during pregnancy, is first and foremost about giving this little guy the best chance at a healthy start possible.  He is going to need a mama ready to brave the world of three boys 3 and under and all that will ensue from that adventure.  

That being said, I have a date with Leandro and the girls during nap time where I will gladly shake my booty, lift some weights and work up a less than attractive sweat.  And I'm sure my little guy will be dancing right along with me. ;) 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Cravings, I'm Calling Your Bluff!

The first time I became pregnant, I couldn't wait to experience my first "pregnancy craving".  I had heard about the range of crazy foods pregnant women craved; all hours of the day; ranging from typical to the most unusual.  

I always wondered what mine would be and when they would hit.  I would picture my husband getting up and heading to the market or random eatery to pick up something so out of the blue that I craved on a whim.  

And oh did they come! I was surprised how quickly those pregnancy cravings kicked in.  It almost seemed like the minute I knew I was pregnant, that baby was just demanding all kinds of tasty things.  

What were those cravings?
Candy (sour and chocolate)
French Fries
Ice cream

CRAZY right? No--not at all.  Those are foods I love.  Those are foods I would eat all the time.  Foods I would pick (now) as a treat or cheat or indulgence.  

Can I tell you something? I don't think there really are pregnancy cravings.  At least, not in my world.  I craved the same foods I crave anytime.  The difference was, during my first pregnancies, I gave into them because I had this excuse (pregnancy) to give into them.  To eat whatever the "baby" wanted. 

What a joke! What sabotage! The best foods for my baby isn't junk food.  It is whole, healthy, clean foods.  And the more I indulge in those the better I feel.  

I think it can be easy to use pregnancy as an excuse.  I sure did.  And believe me, I still indulge in those cravings from time to time.  The difference is, I choose when.  I choose how often.  And I do so knowing that it isn't a pregnancy craving; it is me choosing to treat myself to something I don't normally.  I recognize now that just because my mind is telling me I want something or I'm hungry--it doesn't mean I actually am.  If that were the case I would be eating french fries dipped in milkshakes all day long.  

We have to learn to differentiate between a true feeling of hunger and boredom.  A true craving versus just a yummy treat we'd like to indulge in.  

I'm far from perfect at this but am making an effort!

What was your "pregnancy" craving that you liked to give in to?? 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I get it

When I started this blog, I had a few intentions. 
1) To share my experience as a pregnant person trying to stay as committed as possible to the healthy lifestyle I had adopted
2) To hold myself accountable (nothing like putting your goals out there for the world. i.e- 20 people that read this. THANK YOU!)
3) Connect to other mamas out there; currently pregnant or not.  Fit enthusiasts or not! 

Here was my fear.  That this blog would be perceived as judgmental or discouraging versus uplifting, encouraging, and a place to discuss how to give our babies the healthiest start possible. 

Here is the thing.  My first pregnancy I was 20 pounds heavier than I should have been.  I looked bad, slept bad, felt bad.  Then got pregnant.  And I used that pregnancy as an excuse to eat what I wanted, not exercise and honestly, just do whatever I damn well pleased.  I failed my glucose test the first time, passed by the skin of my teeth and had my doctor tell me that I needed to make wiser food choices for the remainder of my pregnancy.  Did I? No! I felt miserable the last trimester, had terrible heartburn, wanted to be induced because I was so big (as was the baby), failed to progress and had a c-section.  Total weight gain of that pregnancy- 40 pounds.  

Not much compared to some, right? But the thing is, none of the choices I was making, was helping me grow a healthy baby!  I had to come to terms with the fact that my birth plan was so far from what I envisioned in my mind.  I had to come to terms with a body that I didn't recognize as mine.  And two years later, after my second baby and pretty much the same patterns (I started out at a more reasonable weight), having to leave my newborn to have my gall bladder removed..probably a result of my terrible habits.  

I see it all the time. People who mock my ideals this pregnancy or make remarks not completely at me but ones that apply.  People who say, "well I am eating for two now." "You're supposed to gain weight during pregnancy." "I would never diet.  I want a healthy baby." And I feel judged. I feel like they are saying I don't want a healthy baby.  Don't you see?  We both do.  I have just been on the other side.  

At the risk of not being popular, I am having a healthier pregnancy now than I did my previous two.  Doctors recommend a weight gain range for a reason.  Pregnant women should gain weight, a REASONABLE amount, put on by healthy foods, but mostly by the way our bodies change.  That weight accounts for the fetus, placenta, extra blood, fluid, etc.  Not because we can eat the flavor of the day from Culver's every night of the week.

At the risk of continuing to not be popular, pregnancy isn't a sit on your butt card either.  Your body can grow a human and still be physical.  Women birthed children in caves, in fields, in their log cabins with midwives while tending their other children, doing housework (like legit work), and working the land..all up until labor began!!  Now, I am not saying to push yourself and put you or the baby in harm's way.  Listen to your doctor.  If there is a medical condition that dictates taking it easy, by all means, kick your feet up.  But that isn't all of us.  It certainly wasn't me.

So can I just say, I get it.  I embrace my expanding belly that makes it hard for me to button my pre-pregnancy pants.  I embrace the 1000x a day I am running to the bathroom.  I embrace the stretch marks from my previous pregnancies. I embrace the number on the scale going up.  I embrace that I get winded more easily, my runs are now walks, and that I just can't keep up quite like I used to with my boys.  I think we should embrace every beautiful aspect of pregnancy.  It is a joy, a blessing, and something I am so grateful for.  

But, this blessing, is a responsibility.  A responsibility to give our babies the best, healthiest start.  I embrace that too.  So know that I get it. Whether it's your first pregnancy or your fourth, we all want the same thing.  This is just my journey to have the healthiest baby I know how.  

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Soul Mates

Before Beachbody, on the rare occasion I would be working out, I never found anything I really loved.  The elliptical was ok..better than the dreadmill.  Zumba was fine, depending on the instructor.  Hot Yoga was nice but I sometimes felt like I stretched but didn't workout.  Nothing that just made me stop in my tracks and fall in love.  

Then I began Brazil Butt Lift.  From the first day I pushed play, I was hooked.  It was fun.  The workouts flew by.  I felt sore after every workout in all kinds of places (the truest way to measure the success of any workout, of course). And I was getting results.  SAY WHAT??? 

I have loved all my other workouts but nothing holds a candle in my heart to BBL.  I know it sounds crazy..but it is my soulmate workout.  I seriously get giddy to go push play!!

This week I started back up with Brazil Butt Lift a week behind my challengers. I have loved it.  I was quite used to my 30 minute workouts coming off of P90x3 and the fix.  However, doing doubles the last week of the fix was a great way to get my body (and my mind) ready for the longer workout days.  

I am also still using the nutrition guide from the 21 Day Fix but I tweaked it a little.  I was on the lowest bracket when I began but have adjusted the bracket to meet my needs.  I know I needed more calories.  I also know how important fiber is as well all know those prenatals aren't always the friendliest when it comes to regularity.  So I upped my greens to five. (Green corresponds to veggies for you non-fixers ;) ) I am eating two purples (fruits), four reds (protein),  two yellows (carbs) and one orange.  On days I feel extra hungry, I up my blue from one to two. Blue is healthy fats.  This has really helped me feel full and also stay on track with healthy eating.  I have had some pretty intense cravings lately that I am trying to resist.  Not that I won't indulge sometimes.  I just don't think nightly would be wise! ;)

I also went to the doctor this week.  Total weight gain= 13 pounds. I felt like that was a little high considering all the working out I have been doing but then I realized, "Hey! You are 6 months pregnant.  That is like 2 pounds a month average! You are OK!" I had gained two pounds a week at time in my other pregnancies so keeping perspective is key.  I would still like to say under 25 pounds so as long as I continue to be healthy and stay on track these last four months, I think that goal is achievable.  

So what about you? Do you have a soul mate workout? What are you doing to stay on track for your health and fitness goals? I would love to hear from you! 

Or if you are looking to start a program, need some accountability, I'd love to hear from you too! 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Dream BIG

This past weekend my husband and I got to spend Saturday together.  Since moving, we don't do dates very often and hadn't had a date (out of the house) since Valentine's Day.  We were planning on shopping for the new baby that morning so my mom met us and then took our boys with her for an overnight, which meant Andrew and I had most ALL day and night together! 

If you are a parent, you can probably relate to the rarity it is to have time to have a conversation without being interrupted by your littles.  And even when you do find the time, often the conversations center around the "business" of your lives.  

Well on Saturday, without our boys, without interruptions, Andrew and I had the chance to talk.  To really talk. To get past the day to day relaying of information, catching up with what needs done, to the REAL stuff of life.  We got to talk about the things that brought us together as a couple. We got to talk about not only our present, but our future.  About what we wanted for our family, in our careers, in our marriage. I get teary-eyed even thinking about that precious time because so often we take it for granted and don't do it enough.

But Saturday we did.  As we chatted about what the next few years looked like for our family, between running errands around town, catching a movie, and indulging in sushi (what a great day, huh?) we began to dream.  We began to ask  the what ifs. We began to plan what actually could become. 

You may be wondering how this post fits here on this blog about fitness. But it fits exactly here.  Why? Well, it is BECAUSE of fitness, and finding myself and a new passion; finding my new purpose in coaching, that these dreams are possible.  

My husband, a year ago almost to the day, began a new job. It was his DREAM job.  It required so much scary change but we knew it was where God was leading us.  So we went.  From that step of faith, I got to become a stay at home mom; another dream fulfilled.  But I also didn't want to lose myself in that role.  I found coaching.  I found a team.  I found friendships and a purpose and reason to wake up in the morning bigger than just fixing waffles and laundry.  God planted a dream in my heart and fulfilled it without me even knowing to dream it! (Talk about blessing!)

Because of those actions, those leaps of faith, following our hearts--the dreams and I dream now are BIGGER than we've ever dreamed before.  Because the possibilities are bigger.  Coaching has forever changed my life and my family and our future.  How many people can say that their "job" has done that for them? 

I am so grateful every day to get up and help others with their health journey.  It is a privilege and an honor that I don't take lightly.  It fills up my soul and genuinely makes me happy.  That kind of feeling is priceless.  I have to share it.

Do you have BIG dreams? If not--can I encourage you to dream bigger? Go after dreams that seem scary and impossible and find ways to make it possible.  Surround yourself with people who tell you over and over that you can make it happen. 
