Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Today's lesson: the importance of water

It is finally spring and it is once again freezing cold. BOO! This mama is ready to get her boys outside to play and I am ready for long post-dinner walks! Anyone else?

Last week was a ROUGH week for this mama.  I wanted to eat all day, every day.  And I wanted to eat J-U-N-K!  I could not understand what my problem was.  I typically can decipher between being bored and wanting to eat and actually being hungry.  The problem was, I felt hungry all the time!! Not only that, but my skin looked horrible.  Break-outs and dry.  We are in the second trimester here.  That is supposed to be all cleared up! ;)

On Friday, my family headed north to meet the rest of my family in Chicago. There are a lot of March birthdays so we were getting together to celebrate.

(You're thinking--"I thought this post was about water?" I'm getting there) 

It is about a 4.5 hour journey and I downed both bottles of water I took withing the first 2 hours. Then we got to the hotel I was super thirsty again.  And again at dinner.  Saturday we ran around all over, doing things with the boys.  I had packed some water but again, drank it all in the morning so was only getting sips here and there throughout the day until meals.  

It wasn't until dinner on Saturday after the sweet waitress had refilled my water glass, no joke, for the 6th time, that I realized- I am probably dehydrated. 

I mean, DUH! Our body needs water all the time to make our vital organs work at their best. But when we are pregnant, hydration becomes even more crucial.  When we get dehydrated during pregnancy, we are putting ourselves (and our babies!) at risk for a slew of things like headaches, nausea, cramps, dizziness.  In the third trimester, it can kick us into preterm labor! No bueno!

I had always followed the rule to drink half my body weight in ounces of water each day.  But did you know you need more than that during pregnancy.  You actually need 10-12 glasses, about three liters (or 102 ounces).  And as fit mamas--for every hour of light exercise, you need an extra glass.  I am sure we could count chasing our littles around as light exercise to that number goes up! 

I know what you are thinking. I need an IV to be able to get that much fluid in my body.  Right?!? I mean we have kids, a house, jobs, and a plethora of other things that take up time in our day. How can we possibly get this much water?  

Here are some tips I have been following the past few days that have really helped me in the water battle:

Total that up,each glass being 10 ounces, and I am drinking 110-120 ounces.

 For me that is easiest. I don't have the time, or the memory to carry around a jug of water all day or constantly refill a glass.  So timing them with my meals is helpful.  It is also easy for me to drink while working out...because, hello, I am working out! And drinking at night alleviates the need for snacking.

That is a lot of water and to be honest, it can be pretty boring.  So jazz it up!! Here are some great recipes I have found on Pinterest to jazz up your water if you get tired of the bland taste.  Lots of women with morning sickness have trouble drinking because of the blandness. Try these! 
via theyummylife.com

Couldn't find original source

So bottoms up and happy drinking! 


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

When life gets busy

This blog is called Mama Finds Fitness.  So do know, that as a mama, I get it.  Finding fitness can be HARD as a mama.  I don't care what age your kiddos are, if they are still living at home, we mamas are B-U-S-Y! 

We either have littles that demand our attention and our time and create messes that take time to clean up and just as we finish cleaning up one mess or meal, there is another mess or someone needs a snack!

Or our kids are school aged and that means homework and practice and extra-curriculars and volunteering for the PTO Carnival/Book Fair/Family Reading Night supper.  

Or maybe your kids are even older and they can drive but the homework is harder, there are more events and let's face it, those "babies" still need us mamas.

But we have to remember ourselves.  We just do.  We can't be these super hero moms if we are running on diet cokes, pringles, and no sleep.  It just isn't possible. 

Today I really want to focus on nutrition.  Because for the longest time, for me that was the missing piece.  It was the one area of being healthy I just couldn't get a grasp on.  

It is hard to take the time out of our day and make ourselves a meal.  As moms, we must though.  So here are some tricks and tips I have used to keep  myself on track.

1. Menu plan.  Yes, it can be tedious at first. But I menu plan every week. Once you begin to do it, you will get quicker and quicker at it.  I include not only meals but snacks.  It helps me remember what to set out for dinner if something needs defrosted.  It saves me time when making a grocery list and at the store.  It saves me money because I am not buying unnecessary items.

Tip: If you want to use the same foods each day to save on food prep or budget further- go right ahead!!
Lots of variety

Keeping it simple

2. Food prep.  I know I posted about back here but it really is so simple.  I prep all my snacks and the kids' snacks for the week.  You CAN overfeed your kids, too! Childhood obesity isn't on the rise because we are giving them nutritious snacks in great serving sizes.  If you want to do your prep in an afternoon for the week- DO! If you want to do a little each night to prepare for the next day- DO! Find a system that works for you.  If you want to purchase snacks for your kids that are healthy and already portioned out- DO!!  

Tip: If your kids are older- make a healthy snack station in your pantry and fridge where they know to go to choose snacks.  My three year old can do this. He also knows he gets only pantry snack a day and the other snack is a fridge snack.  This cuts down on eating too much packaged food.  Even if it is healthy, fresh is best!

3. Shakeology.  This is my GO TO! At night I look at what the next day holds.  If we are going to be out running errands, if the morning is going to be quick out the door, if our evening is jammed packed- I will use Shakeology as my quick meal.  It takes me two minutes to make.  Seriously! It is yummy, has every bit on nutrition I need to fuel my body, and gives me a boost of energy.  

1 scoop Chocolate Shakeo
1/2 banana
2 teaspoons PB2
Water and Ice
Blend and enjoy!

4. If you can, make your meal time coincide with your kids.  I make my kids lunch first, get them settled, and then, as they eat, I make mine.  I did this just the other day.  It took me less than 10 minutes to get my food prepped, cooked and on my plate.  

5. If you work, plan your dinners to have some leftovers.  That is an easy way to ensure a healthy lunch the next day.  You can pack your lunch while you clean up the kitchen.  Two tasks done at the same time?! Talk about a time saver.

I get it.  Finding the time to eat and enjoy your food without a kid tugging on you is hard sometimes.  Even when I worked outside the home (as a teacher) many a lunch period was spent with a child who needed some extra help or needed caught up. Take on trick or tip from this list and apply it.  See how easy it can be.  Then add another.  Soon you will be eating healthy without taking up extra time!

What are some of your tricks to getting in healthy meals as a busy mom?


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Being a "fit mom"

The lifestyle choices I make now were not ones I made when I first had Hudson.  In fact, I didn't really start striving towards a healthy lifestyle (regular exercise and clean eating) until our second was about six  months old.  I had always done the healthy thing moderately.  Cooked healthy dinners most of the time--or so I thought.  But now, I am very conscious of my choices.  Choices for my own personal health and fitness goals as well as choices to make my family as healthy as possible.

I have been wrestling with this idea for some time now. Seeing other mothers in the media, seeing other people's reactions to this lifestyle; hearing their opinions.  I saw this image and wondered...how do I feel about this? What do others think?

Thinking about this question caused me to examine my own intentions.  Why now? Why workout and eat right? Why to the extent you do? 

For me, in short, the answer is no.  After really weighing (pun intended) my intentions, I don't think being a fit mom is equivalent to being a selfish mom.  

Growing up I had issues with my self esteem sometimes.  Body image related.  I wished to look like this friend or that, desiring to change this part of my body, my hair color, wanting to fit in the latest trends.  I wanted to be skinny.  I wanted to look like the cover of a magazine.  It didn't matter if others thought I was pretty or that my parents told me that really beauty was on the inside.  Sure, I believed that.  But it didn't take away the fact that I still wanted to skinny.

Fast forward to now married and two babies later (a third on the way!) and all that changes in your body when those events happen.  I was unhappy with myself.  I was self-conscious in my relationship with my husband.  I had a terrible relationship with food and exercise only using them to try to reach a goal but never in a way that really nourished my body.  

What was that going to teach my boys? What kind of example was I to them? To me, that life, that way of thinking was selfish. And not only that, but destructive.  I sure didn't want them to grow up with unhealthy habits. And I also didn't want to raise my boys to be men that thought women should eat or look or be a certain way.  What a terrible disservice.

So are fit moms selfish? Am I selfish? Is it selfish to feed my kids good, nutritious foods? Is it selfish to not allow them to partake in every "kid food" thrown their way to entice them? Is it selfish of me to take time to workout each day? Am I selfish when I go for a long run on a Saturday morning with a friend and leave them with their dad to make breakfast? 

No. I don't think that's selfish.  I am mom and wife.  Those are my roles and I take them with great pride and a seriousness to do my best.  Do my choices to be fit and reach my goals hinder my ability to do those roles? Absolutely not.  

It's time we moms allow ourselves time to feed our bodies and souls, to nourish them and push them.  

What do you think? Selfish or no? 

Meals on Monday

Happy Monday everyone! 

Today I am beginning week 11 of P90x3.  I am so excited and ready to complete this program.  It has been a tough one but I love how it has challenged my body.  I love that I can say I completed the whole thing while pregnant.  And I love what it has done for my challengers who have taken this journey with me!

I am MORE than ready to tackle the 21 Day Fix in full.  I have loved the eating portion but to be honest, last week had a few slip ups. I gave in to too many cravings and snacked late more than I should have. Let's just say I paid for it.  I felt tired and sluggish and just..off.  I am ready to really get a handle on my eating! Treats are fine; they just can't become a habit.  And I know myself well enough to know that I could let that happen all to easily.

So when creating this weeks menu, I opted for ease.  I kept most of  my meals and snacks the same for a few reasons: 1) cut down on prep 2) cut down our grocery bill 3) cut down on thinking about what to eat each day.  Keep it simple.  Simple fitness; simple nutrition.  That is the Fix in a nutshell, right?

I even kept my dinners simple too.  And a little fun.  I have two boys and I never want them to associate healthy eating with boring or bland.  As parents, we have to teach them that healthy eating is best, tasty and can be fun too! I try to get my oldest in the kitchen with me when I can so putting some things on the menu he can help with always makes that more possible.

So here is what is cooking in my kitchen this week to help me stay on track and meet my goals.  Being pregnant it not a free for all! Say it with me! :) 

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 60 Results

To say that I was a little intimidated to do P90x3 was an understatement.  I had done one month of P90x and just didn't finish with the holidays and busyness.  The workout was amazing but I just couldn't commit to the time. (I know, I know--excuses but I'm just being honest.) 

Why was I intimidated? Because I saw people who were die-hard P90xers and I just didn't feel like I could keep up.  And finding out I was pregnant a couple of weeks before the start date?! I kept doubting myself. Like- would I be able to do this? I was the pregnant girl who, when she found out she was pregnant, immediately put my feet up and ate some ice cream.  

WAS.  I was that girl; meaning I wasn't that girl any more.  I had worked really hard before getting pregnant to make the progress I had made. I was working out consistently.  I could do both. I could work out, eat right AND be pregnant.  They were not mutually exclusive.  

My doctor sure thought it wouldn't be a problem. Physically there wasn't anything stopping me.  Mentally, I was my biggest enemy. 

I have to say I have loved this program and HIGHLY recommend it to anyone! It has great modifications.  And what I have seen through my group, is that they have gotten stronger really quickly.  Within the first couple of weeks they were modifying less.  Into the second month, they have increased their weights, done more push-ups, are hardly modifying; if at all anymore! Truly amazing! 

Just a reminder! :) 

So here we are with only 30 days left of this 90 day program.  These past two weeks I have incorporated the 21 Day Fix nutrition portion into my routine.  I am still doing the x3 workouts with weights and without modification.  This last transition week I did notice that the cardio workouts were a little tougher.  I felt out of breath quicker but I know that is just my body changing with the pregnancy.  I am careful to make sure that I don't let my heart rate get too high or too out of breath.  I have a small snack and full glass of water at least 30 minutes before working out.  Have water throughout my workout, and then another full glass after.  I also have a small snack after my workout too, or my lunch if it is that time of day.

I have gained about 3-4 pounds since I began the program.  My legs and arms are continuing to tone.  And honestly, even my core.  Which has ALWAYS been a struggle.  I know that my stomach is really going to start to change as I get farther along (I'm expecting a bump any day!) but I know I am creating muscle memory.

So here they are- Day 1 to Day 60. If you are looking for guidance during your pregnancy, or looking to get healthy and fit, let's chat! Click my FB icon to the right to find me or send me a message! I'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Some days are less fun

Real talk for a second?

Pregnant or not, making healthy choices in both my dietary decision and fitness decision is not always easy.  To be honest, it isn't always exciting.  Sometimes when I am cooking our healthy dinner, I really just want to save it for later and call for some take out.  

Not that I am trying to lose weight, but you know what I mean! Those days where you really want to do all those things (and I'd add pizza and fries too! Just saying!)

I have to remember that regardless of it being easy, or fun, or something I feel like doing, making healthy choices is what is best for my body.  Even more so during pregnancy.

So what are some ways that I stay motivated and try not to undo all my hard work? 

*Allow indulgences.  Yup--not everyday, not all the time. But I do allow a treat meal once in awhile.  I know that if we are ordering pizza to make sure I eat well all day, drink lots of water, and serve my slice with a large salad. I know to split a treat with my boys or husband, or give myself a small serving.  A taste really does take the edge off.

*When you treat, eat it slowly.  Seriously, enjoy those bites and flavors.  Don't rush through it because it's so good because, more than likely, you will just reach for more.

*Apple test.  Sometimes when I am feeling like I am so hungry, I ask myself if I would go grab an apple.  If the answer is no, I'm not really hungry.  I'm just bored or have a craving.  If the answer is yes, I'll get myself an apple.

*Drink some water.  Hydration is always important but even more so during pregnancy.   Lots of times I think that I am hungry but really I am just thirsty.  I drink some water and try to busy myself (which is never hard with two little guys already).  Most of the time I forget about being hungry.

*Paint my nails, take a shower, or some other activity that allows for a little me time.  Just taking a few moments to myself releases stress.  I know I am a stress eater if I don't keep myself in check.  So doing things for myself, no matter how small, helps.

*Go to bed.  Staying up too late, not getting enough sleep- not good for baby, you or your goals.  It is easy to munch when you are tired so just go to bed.

What do you do to help keep yourself on track with staying healthy?

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Meals on Monday

Hey y'all! Well excuse me for my hiatus last week! I so meant to post in here more but goodness there was so much going on at our household that it just did not happen!  It was all good things though: doctor's appointment to check out little bean, helping my challengers with their programs, talking to new clients about their big goals, and new coaches joining the team!! It was such an exciting week! One I am still just so thankful for!

Today starts the third week of the 21 Day Fix nutrition in our house.  I started this program in conjunction with P90x3 workouts.  I am in LOVE everyone! It has been so great to keep this preggo on track with her nutrition.  It has really helped me stay stable and control those overwhelming hunger attacks that I felt happened all the time with my previous pregnancies.  It also has made me shop really wisely.  I am only buying foods necessary for  my menus and because of that- we have no junk in the house! Which, if I am being honest, is a bit of a double edged sword.  

I was actually having a text conversation with some friends last week discussing our weeks and I had had A DAY! You know what I mean- those days that wear you down and it is not even nap time yet! That night I was cleaning the kitchen for dinner and thought, "I have just got to have a sweet!" I raided our pantry and nothing! Not even a chocolate chip! Literally the only thing we had was vanilla extract for baking! I admitted to them that I was *thiiiiss* close to chugging it! Haha ;)

Anyway, here is my menu for the third week! I am looking forward to continuing this nutrition throughout my pregnancy.  It really is so so simple.  And the results of my challenge group are ASTOUNDING! I will be sharing those with y'all soon!