Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Getting my body back!

No--I haven't had baby yet but I am fully aware that I won't be slipping back into my size twos after baby unless I work for it! 

My thoughts exactly!

Fortunately, I have been staying on track {for the most part} during this pregnancy and am hoping that hard work helps my efforts.  But it is going to take more than that.  And since working out is out of the question for a few weeks at least {silly c-section} I know nutrition is going to be my biggest ally!

So I am hitting it hard with the easiest nutrition plan there is to follow.  This program has given countless clients amazing results in such a short amount of time.  There is no measuring, guess work, counting calories.  I have tons of clean food choices that I can prep beforehand or grab easily when juggling the responsibilities of a newborn.  

What little gem am I referring to? The 21 Day Fix of course! I will be utilizing my Shakeology and the nutrition guide to get myself back on track while not working out.  I know that I will still be eating for two (since I am breast-feeding) and want to make sure I am properly nourishing my body and my baby's by eating the best way I can: fresh, clean foods in the right portions! 

I would love to have some support and accountability! If you are interested in joining me, comment with your email below or find me on Facebook!! You can choose any program that is right for you! I am really excited to host my first post-pregnancy group and kick butt with you all! 

Let's get healthy{er} together!! :) 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Late pregnancy workouts

Oh hello 39 weeks! You are a sight for sore {tired, up many times a night} eyes!

There are so many great ways to workout during pregnancy that are safe for you and baby.  But as you come closer to the end of your pregnancy, those workouts might not be as comfortable anymore.  You may feel more winded, more pressure, or just not quite be up to the same level of activity.  

I know for me about 37 weeks I didn't have the same "oomph" going on during my workouts.  I wanted to listen to my body so I stopped doing PiYo and changed my routine last week.  I know I am still getting a good workout but definitely feel more comfortable with this level of activity until baby comes {which, really, any day now is fine sweet boy!}

For the past two weeks I have been walking around 4 miles a day.  Now, to be clear, I do not do all four miles at the same time. I usually take a walk in the morning and then again after dinner. I do this for a couple of reasons.
     1) It's August.  It's hot.  And I am pregnant and not super quick.  So a four mile walk would take around 45 minutes or longer and that is just not pleasant.  I also have my boys on the walk and they can only last so long at my slow pace in the stroller so we break it up.
    2) Should I go into labor, I do not want to be exhausted.  Most doctors say walking is wonderful exercise as this stage, can help with labor by keeping you in shape, but also advise not to walk too long because you can exhaust yourself before the ultimate workout of delivering your child.  

If you think plain, same pace walking seems a little boring, change it up with some intervals or change your route, throw in some hills, etc.  Here is a great little interval training that will give you a good burn. 

While I stopped Piyo, I have been doing yoga.  Yoga is completely different than PiYo because it more stationary, I can choose poses to stretch out areas that need focus, and I can also focus on my breathing to deepen the stretch.  There are several great articles and tips of late pregnancy yoga.  I have been doing some flow of down dog, chaturanga into up dog, cat/cow, pigeon, warrior series.  I have also been holding a low squat pose which you can modify by doing against a wall if your balance is off.  

Really any stretching has been wonderful and relaxing, especially as my legs have felt restless these past couple of weeks. 

Strength Training
There are all kinds of strength training exercises you can do to keep your body active.  For  me, this little circuit has been great.  It targets different areas of my body, doesn't completely exhaust or strain an area and is something I can do several times through to get in a good burn. 

Whatever the case, for me, staying active has made a HUGE difference in my overall health during this pregnancy and has helped to alleviate a lot of the discomfort I experienced before.  What do you do to stay active? I'd love to hear your thoughts! 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

What's for Dinner: Slow Cooker Jambalya

How is August almost half over?? These weeks just fly by don't they??

 This week we will be featuring the slow cooker once again for a meal my whole family ate up! 

Here's what you will need:
12 oz turkey sausage, sliced
1 (28 oz) can diced tomatoes with juice
1 onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
1 cup low-sodium chicken broth
2 tsp dried oregano
2 tsp dried parsley
2 tsp Cajun seasoning
1 tsp cayenne pepper**
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1 cup dry brown rice

The original recipe also called for chicken but I didn't want a "meaty" dish so we used just the turkey sausage.  I am sure you could use other sausage if you like.  Or you could use shrimp or just chicken.  It really is your preference. 

Place all the ingredients in your slow cooker except your rice. {You don't need that yet.} Give it a good stir and cook on high for 3-4 hours or on low 7-10.  

When you are almost ready to serve, cook up some brown rice according to the package directions. Spoon the jambalaya over the rice and serve it up hot! {For my boys, (3 and 1.5) I served their rice on the side.  I knew they probably wouldn't eat the tomatoes but everything else, seriously, GOBBLED UP!}

**I only used 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper since our whole family was eating this and I didn't want it to be too spicy for the littles. Well, my husband thought it was spicy {I did not}.  So you may want to tone down that measurement even more if you don't like a lot of heat. :) 

Original recipe here

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The cost of getting healthy

One thing I have noticed since becoming a Beachbody coach is the common factor of money being an issue.  I cannot tell you the number of times I am having a conversation with someone about their lifestyle and their goals and they have such a deep desire to get healthy and fit and just live better and then, money. 

I get it.  One hundred percent. Life is expensive.  Even if you live on a budget and are financially savvy with your income most people just don't have tons of extra cash and those that do are pretty particular in where that money goes.  I also get it because I was making the same excuses and struggling with the same concern: "Is this really worth the money?"

I personally would like to break down the cost of getting healthy at home and how it actually SAVED my family money!

Working out at home vs. the gym
Before I began working out at home, I had a gym membership.  Our gym offered many classes as part of your membership.  Specialty classes (Les Mills, Insanity, P90x {which- sidenote, is totally hilarious because I never thought I'd be using those programs at home} were offered for an additional cost). My gym membership was $60/month.  For just myself.  I had my membership since before Hudson was born and did pretty well going 3-4 times a week UNTIL he was born.  Then the balancing act of work, new baby, house and just life in general put my gym time on the back burner.  I took a pretty long hiatus for like 6 months post baby and then resumed working out.  It was fewer times a week.  I felt like I had to spend at least an hour there to get in a good workout. And I had to choose times that worked for Andrew to be home or with Hudson's schedule.  And then I got pregnant again and well..yeah. I never went back.  

Fast forward to six weeks after Beau and I knew I HAD to do something.  I contacted a friend who had gotten amazing results (in just two months) working out in her garage.  SAY WHAAATT???? I was intrigued.  I purchased something called a challenge pack for the grand total of $160.  My husband was a little leery because, well, my track record the past couple of years with the gym sucked. And we had wasted a lot of money.  But I promised that I was committed, and with the support of my friend and her challenge group, committed I was!

Now--the cost.  I paid $60/month.  That is $720 for a year.  This one time purchase gave me a program that I could do for life! I still have it and have done this particular program twice over.  Had I purchased just the program (not the pack) the program was only $60! Seriously--a lifetime program cost me the same as 1 month at the gym.  And this program came with some equipment I needed, a nutrition guide and since it was a video--I felt like I had a the experience of a personal trainer sculpting my body.  I got more results in two months than I did in two years at the gym! SOLD!

One thing I love about working out at home is not only do I save on my monthly costs, but we save on gas.  I don't worry about when to workout because I can workout whenever I choose.  When it's crappy weather, my gym is always open.  And my littles can get in on the action! 

Eating Clean
This is another part of the conversation.  It is so true. You can not out train a bad diet.  One healthy meal doesn't make you fit just like one poor meal won't make you fat.

  I really try to convey the message of lifestyle versus diet. Who wants to be on a diet anyway? NOT ME! I really just want to eat to live, indulge now and again and not constantly be thinking about calories or if I should eat that or not. Anyone else get me???

Like I stated above, I purchased a challenge pack.  It was more than just the program because my pack included a month supply of Shakeology.  If you want to know more about shakeology you can check it out here. I used this product to replace a meal once a day. I know, I know what you are thinking--meal replacement? Seriously, I was SO skeptical too! But just check it out--or message me! #gamechanger

I will be the first to say I thought, "This is crazy expensive! I'll just use {insert any product} instead."  Then I did some research about what Shakeology was, what it offered and the results people got and no other product compared.  Nothing compares still.  

When I broke down the cost of Shakeology it was about $4/day.  Well I was replacing breakfast.  Since starting, my husband has also become a shakeology user.  So it is about $8/day for the two of us to eat a meal.  Where else can two people eat for $8? No where! 

We used to spend so much on "quick" breakfasts we could take with us in the car that had no nutritional value.  We don't have to buy those items anymore.  

We also changed our eating habits.   I will admit the first few months our grocery bill was outrageous and I couldn't seem to figure out why.  I wondered if it was because we were adding Shakeology.  I wondered if we were eating more.  But then I looked at our receipt.  It was because we were still buying JUNK too! I was buying the same stuff and then adding in our healthy stuff.  WHY?? If we were going to eat healthy, we didn't need the junk.  So I consciously stopped buying junk.  No more chips, boxed goods, snack-kind of stuff.  We were eating real foods for our meals and snacks.  I was cooking simpler with better oils and spices to flavor our food.  

Once we started this, along with meal planning consistently, our grocery bill went from $200/week down to $125 (this includes our shakeology).  We were SAVING money and eating better as a family! That savings alone was paying for our shakeology itself! 

Real Cost
So now that you have some facts, I think the real question is, can I afford not to get healthy? For most of us, that answer is no.  It may be more pressing for some than others, but in reality, how we take care of our bodies affects us.  The healthier we are the less we are going to be paying in co-pays, medications, procedures to fix or repair down the road what we have done to ourselves.  I wasn't terribly overweight but I found myself getting run-down and sick more often before I decided to change my lifestyle.  And buying new clothes because my old clothes weren't fitting anymore was getting to be a little bit ridiculous.  Let's not forget also the toll it takes on us when we start to feel a certain way about our body.  

So if money is your concern, don't let it be.  Save up for a bit. Choose to get healthy over that new handbag.  {Because seriously, I never thought twice about a new purse or pair of shoes.} Or talk to me, or your coach if you have one already, about a budget you are comfortable starting out with. I know we have effective programs that start for $20.  And if you really don't have the money, start with changing your food choices, drinking more water, and just lacing up your tennis and walking for some exercise.  

Just do something that your body will thank you for tomorrow! 

If you do have questions about programs or products and aren't working with another coach, I'd love to help you along your journey.  You do not have to go it alone.  It is always easier, and more FUN, with friends along the way! 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday Motivation

Here we are at another Monday and I am thinking about all my teacher friends who are starting back this week or preparing to start next week.  I can't help but think about how fast this summer has gone!

Maybe you are like me and wondering how the time has gotten away from you; that you still have a list of things you were planning on doing that are still undone and you are wanting to squeeze them in before the rush of school and the next season.

I know I have been talking with quite a few people lately who have been so busy this summer they have put themselves on the back burner (again) and not gotten around to the goals they set for themselves about their fitness and health.  UGH! Haven't we all been there? Life just fills our calendar up so much that we take care of others first and find us burning the candle at both ends? Ladies? Mamas?? I know you know!

Well today, I want to tell you, you have a choice! You have a choice to keep going on like you are OR to stop, re-evaluate your goals, and make a plan to go after them! It can be small steps.  Overhauling your life might be too much.  Changing a little here and there over time, adding in more water, eating more proportionately, adding in exercise a few times a week--then building off of that could be your first step.  

Whatever the case, whether you want to start small, whether you want a more intense workout schedule, whether you just want some advice on how to get started and where to start, I would love to help you on this journey! 

Just because summer is ending and you haven't reached your goals means you have to give up! Keep going, get started! Just do!! 

Have a great Monday!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Fitness Friday: I'm a Newbie

Happy Friday!  I found this link-up through another link up and well, here I am! I love this idea and am so excited to participate. So, here goes! :) 

Diet and Training
Well, I am almost 38 weeks pregnant so my training has changed from what I thought it would be at this stage.  I did not work out my previous pregnancies (this is my third) so didn't really know how much I would be able to push myself these last few weeks.  I have been walking about 5-6 days a week, anywhere from 2-3 miles and doing PiYo 3-4 days a week.  I have to sometimes pause the workout for a break and I am not able to push as hard as I'd like but I love this workout for simple fact that it is low impact and it focuses on strength and flexibility. Being able to stretch has been great as I have started to feel just HUGE!

Diet wise I am just trying to eat as clean as possible and get my water in.  I made the goal to continue (or should I say do better) about getting in my 100 oz each day. I did really great this week on that goal only missing it by a few ounces a couple of days.  I downloaded this WaterMinder app and it has been really helpful in reminding me to drink more {am I the only mama who gets to busy to fill up?} and let's me know when I reach my goal. I have really stuck to my menu plan this week and not been lazy.  However, last night I did have Mom's Night Out with a few of my girlfriends.  It was one night so I mean, it could be worse! ;) 

I can't say I have been perfect but there is a healthy baby just growing away in there! 

Looking Forward
I posted about my August goals HERE and am going to continue to strive to make those a reality.  My Feed Your Soul group is ending today and I can't wait to here their progress and next steps.  I also have some people committing to beginning their journey with me this coming month that I am really excited about! My passion to help people find their way with health is only growing! 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

What's for Dinner: Chicken Gyros

Happy Thursday everyone! It is the first Thursday of August and to me, August signifies the start of fall.  I know technically that is incorrect, but my yearly calendar will always begin with August.  From the years of being a student going straight into teaching for four years before staying home, August signifies the end of summer and the beginning of fall.

And fall is my FAVORITE time of year! Bring on the skinny jeans, boots, chunky sweaters, hoodies, bonfires, FOOTBALL, pumpkin patches, the BEST scents, and--in my kitchen-- the SLOW COOKER!

I use the slow cooker year round but it really gets fired up and put into overtime during the fall and winter months.  Regardless of if you work or stay home or work from home, knowing that your dinner is slow cooking all day so it is ready when you want it is just a bit of a dream.  So these next few weeks we will be highlighting some healthy slow cooker meals to get you geared up for fall!

Don't we all love a good gyro? I know I do! But if we aren't careful they can be quite calorie dense so this recipe is great because it is light, made my house smell awesome and, of course, cooked in my slow cooker! 

Not picture: The most important ingredient--the chicken! HA

1 pound chicken
1 onion, diced,
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup water
3 gloves garlic, minced (I didn't have fresh so I used the dry equivalent)
1 Tbsp EVOO
2 Tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp oregano
1tsp lemon pepper
1/4 tsp all spice

Spray your slow cooker with a non-stick cooking spray.  (I look for coconut oil or something a little cleaner than Pam) Or better yet, use one of those handy-dandy slow cooker liners for even easier clean up! 

Place your chicken in the slow cooker. Mix all other ingredients in a separate bowl and then pour onto your chicken.  Cook on high 3-4 hours or on low 7-8 hours.  Shred your chicken and then serve it up!

This is a great way to get in some extra veggies.  Slice up some onions, tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber.  You can add a teaspoon of feta for a kick or if you are adventurous, check out some clean tzatziki sauce recipes! I left that off mine.  You can eat this naked or with a whole-grain pita pocket.  Your choice!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Need some accountability??

Happy Wednesday!

If you have checked out the pages section of this blog you will see some new info was updated! I wanted to take a minute to share with you my next accountability group- All or Nothing!

I shared with you all my August goals and one goal was to help 10 new people this month.  One of the ways I would love to help you is through this support group! I run my accountability groups through Facebook so it makes it easy to check in with you irregardless of your location! It was an accountability that started me on my journey to better health and a better life and I really just want to pay that forward.

This month I am also offering a FREE 3-Day Refresh Kit to those who purchase a challenge pack! This new product is amazing and the results people are getting, both physically but just overall well-being and how they feel, is amazing.

What about if you have a program already? Not a problem! I still want to help you! Coaching others is not just a job! It is my PASSION! So if you have a program you want to dust off and try again, this group is for you too!!

So let's set August on FIRE with our commitment to getting healthier and stronger! Who's with me??

Monday, August 4, 2014

August Goals

Here it is, another new month! I can't believe how fast this summer has gone! Not that I am complaining.  It has been a wonderful summer and we have finally reached the month of baby #3's arrival! I have seen all summer long posts about goals! I love setting goals- personal, physical, financial- LOVE GOALS! So I decided to jump on the bandwagon and post some of my own goals for the month of August!

Drink 100 oz of water a day.  
I know the recommended number of ounces is half your body weight, but given it is the home stretch of this pregnancy, I want to make sure I am getting plenty of water in so I don't retain any and because it is August! The hottest month of the year around here.  

Maintain my weight.
I am pleased with my weight gain this pregnancy.  I gained over 40 pounds with my first, 40 with my second and right now I have  held tight at the 25 pound mark for a couple of weeks.  I wanted to gain less than that but thought if I could stay at 25 or under it would be a good range.  I am going to really focus on my eating, not indulge in the treats like I did last month on all our little trips and watch my portions.  

Workout 5-6 times a week.
I have been doing PiYo for about 5 weeks now and am IN LOVE with this program! It definitely challenges me and my balance hasn't gotten too bad considering I am so much larger on top these days.  I just know this is going to be a great postpartum workout to begin the journey of getting my body back.  I just want to stay active as long as possible! I have come in contact with so many other pregnant ladies due the same time who are also staying active and it is so encouraging!

Help 10 new people with their health journey! 
I love helping others.  It is something I am passionate about.  For me, getting my health back on track unlocked so many other parts of my life that needed some adjustments as well and it just made me a better person all around.  I want that for others as well.  In addition to my Feed Your Soul challenge, who has about 3 new people, I would love to find 7 more people to join my August Accountability group! If you are interested, please message me on Facebook (click the button) or send me an email!

Have a healthy baby!
I am so ready to meet our next little guy! I have worked so hard to be as healthy as possible this pregnancy and just pray and believe that we will have another healthy boy to welcome soon! 

What are your goals for August?  I would love to hear them!