Friday, August 8, 2014

Fitness Friday: I'm a Newbie

Happy Friday!  I found this link-up through another link up and well, here I am! I love this idea and am so excited to participate. So, here goes! :) 

Diet and Training
Well, I am almost 38 weeks pregnant so my training has changed from what I thought it would be at this stage.  I did not work out my previous pregnancies (this is my third) so didn't really know how much I would be able to push myself these last few weeks.  I have been walking about 5-6 days a week, anywhere from 2-3 miles and doing PiYo 3-4 days a week.  I have to sometimes pause the workout for a break and I am not able to push as hard as I'd like but I love this workout for simple fact that it is low impact and it focuses on strength and flexibility. Being able to stretch has been great as I have started to feel just HUGE!

Diet wise I am just trying to eat as clean as possible and get my water in.  I made the goal to continue (or should I say do better) about getting in my 100 oz each day. I did really great this week on that goal only missing it by a few ounces a couple of days.  I downloaded this WaterMinder app and it has been really helpful in reminding me to drink more {am I the only mama who gets to busy to fill up?} and let's me know when I reach my goal. I have really stuck to my menu plan this week and not been lazy.  However, last night I did have Mom's Night Out with a few of my girlfriends.  It was one night so I mean, it could be worse! ;) 

I can't say I have been perfect but there is a healthy baby just growing away in there! 

Looking Forward
I posted about my August goals HERE and am going to continue to strive to make those a reality.  My Feed Your Soul group is ending today and I can't wait to here their progress and next steps.  I also have some people committing to beginning their journey with me this coming month that I am really excited about! My passion to help people find their way with health is only growing! 


  1. Aw what a cute bump pic :) The new gym we're training at offers PiYo classes, I'm hoping to try one out soon!

    1. Thanks! You definitely should try it out! I am loving it! Although I think I will love it more when my belly is a little smaller and easier to work around! ;)

  2. 38 weeks! Wow, you're almost there. You look awesome.

  3. Oh my goodness! You look amazing and are such a wonderful inspiration for preggos the world over! Thanks so much for linking up, Bekah :)
