Have you ever began a diet or workout expecting to get some amazing results only to get discouraged?? That is the worst feeling ever. And it often leads us to not trying in the future which won't ever solve anything. So today I wanted to take a minute to discuss some things that we do that get in our OWN way of success on our journeys.
Our expectations are unrealistic.
When we start out we set really big goals. When we don't achieve those goals, we get really discouraged. This discouragement can often derail us from what we are doing. I often talk to the people I am helping about S.M.A.R.T goals. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-tabled).
When a challenger comes to be and tells me they want to lose 50 pounds, I am all about helping them. But if we focus on the 50 pounds the entire time, that person is likely to get discouraged. So instead, we set some S.M.A.R.T goals. "I will lose 10 pounds from my start weight during the first month." That is an absolutely achievable goal for someone with 50 pounds to lose if they are doing the work that needs to be done.
Another example might be a non-scale focus. "I want to fit into my jeans from last fall by the end of the month." It is specific, it is measurable (the jeans will fit or they won't) it is attainable (if you fit into them last fall you could very well get back into them) which makes it realistic and there is a time-table involved to push you to reach that goal.
Making small goals on the road to our big goal helps us to not get discouraged because we are constantly achieving something!
We focus on the workout more than the nutrition.
How many times have you (ME!) thought, "I just killed my workout! I did awesome!" and then gone home to reward yourself with one of your favorite meals or treats?? It does NOT work like that! No matter how hard you push, how hard you train, you can NOT out train a poor diet. Even if you are getting some results, think of what your results COULD BE if you were focusing on nutrition as well??
I am not saying to cut out a food group or count calories until you feel crazy. I think different people respond to different methods when it comes to nutrition. For me, I have learned to really limit my starchy carbs and dairy, limit my sugar (other than what is in food naturally), drink lots of water and watch my portions. I don't generally calorie count. I know a range I should be in when doing a certain workout program but for calorie counting drives me crazy. I also meal plan to avoid getting off track. What strategy works for me not be conducive to another. But the one thing that is certain, everyone has to focus on nutrition. It is even more important than the workout, especially if you really want to see some results and reach your goals.
Number three goes right with number two. Some people really can go without indulging when they are focused on a goal. Body-builders, figure competitors, etc follow really strict diets when training and preparing for a competition. I am not training for anything like that. I also know, the more I tell myself no, the more I want that specific item! Deprivation for me usually ends up in a binge. I tell my challengers that a treat every now and again is not going to DERAIL you. {At least it shouldn't} If you wake up all week with a craving for something, indulge. Do it in moderation; don't get eat a whole gallon of ice cream of the whole pizza. Get your taste and move on. Get right back on track at the next meal or the next day.
Being healthy is a lifestyle. I want to enjoy my life. That means I am going to eat the things I love, just not every meal, every day. And definitely not in the same portions I used to. You should too!
I feel like this is one of the MOST important but is often the most underrated part of starting a fitness journey. If no one knows your goals; if you don't have support to encourage you to keep going or someone to discuss your struggles; what is going to keep you from quitting? I have seen my own personal success and the success of others come from joining in a group or incorporating support into their fitness journeys. NONE of us our perfect. We are going to have bad days. Having a person or group to encourage us and push us, to remind us of why we started is a difference maker. If you don't have support, GET SOME! If you don't know where to get it from, comment below or e-mail me! I would love to help you!
Often on this journey to being healthier or more fit we feel like we are failing. We didn't quite reach that goal as quickly as we wanted. We had an off day. We wanted to lose 30 pounds and only lost 25. We hit a plateau for a week(s). It just seems like we aren't going anywhere.
Well that is just bull. The ONLY time we fail at this journey is when we quit. We stop trying. Failing isn't coming up short or not meeting that goal 100%. Failing is not getting back up, not pushing forward.
Great post Bekah! #2 is so right on! No amount of exercise will help if you aren't eating right. So many people don't understand this. It's 30% exercise, 70% eating. Diet is so important!