Thursday, June 30, 2016

The 3rd Mom: WAHM

This week it seems as though my social media news feed has a had a lot of articles being shared about motherhood and work.

*The struggle of staying home
*The choice to stay home
*The struggle of choosing to go back to work
*The BOGUS lack of time for working moms to have at home before returning
*The judgement of staying home after kids are in school

And the list goes on and on.

What I noticed, though, is a lack of a very prominent group of mommies: the work at home moms. And this group, is a GROWING group. With e-commerce becoming a staple in society and more and more people finding a way to make legitimate incomes for their families doing so (check out this article), moms are figuring out how to have their kids and make money too!

I have had the unique experience of being a part of all three groups at one time or another. I taught first grade both before and after having my first two boys. I remember the hardship of finding reliable daycare, only having a short amount of time for maternity leave and not feeling ready to go back, the piece of my heart outside of my chest each day as I dropped my boys off. Juggling the pressure to do my job well and still be the mom I desired to be all while keeping up with the house at home was hard! It was early mornings and late nights trying to get it all done.

Full time teacher 
2 year old and 6 month old in daycare

Because I taught, I had my summers off (for the most part). I got to stay home with my boys, go on play dates, sing songs and soak up every moment with them. What I found was that staying home was tough too. I missed the schedule and routine of our school year. I missed the adult interaction. I still couldn't get the house cleaned all through the day unless it was in shifts because I had the boys home with me. Messes were definitely more being home all the time.

Staying at home isn't a walk in the park. ;) 

Both roles are hard.

Equally as hard, is working from home. Almost 3 years into my coaching business there is a lot I've come to learn.

1. A lot of people don't understand working from home. 
Family members, friends, the outside world in general--a lot of people don't get it. When I say that I work from home, I automatically get pushed into the stay at home mom circle.  Which I get. Because I don't GO to work.

But moms who work from home have all the responsibilities of staying at home PLUS their actual work. It is different for everyone I suppose, but my work gets done in the cracks of my mothering. Which means nap times and after bed time aren't as leisurely as they used to be or can't just be used to catch up on housework. Which brings me to my next point..

2. We are always at work. 
Because we work from home, our work is always with us. My housework may get done but my job is still waiting. Or vice versa. I don't get to shut my computer down, straighten my classroom and turn of the light to leave. My work is always there. And since my work time varies, it can often feel like our work hours are 24/7. I have learned (the hard way) to set limits on my work time and when I respond to messages from clients. But finding the balance is hard, just like it is for any mom.

3. There is STILL a stigma
Like all things the mommy-war evokes, there is often a stigma with moms who work at home; especially those who are starting their own businesses. Often, we aren't recognized by other working moms. I can't tell you how many times another mom who works outside the job speaks about the balance of it all and when I comment--BLANK STARE. As if we both don't work. I've heard other moms experience this as well. It definitely doesn't feel good.

But at the end of the day, it is one of those things I choose to ignore. Because working from home has changed my life; my family's life. Motherhood is hard. Deciding what's best for you and your family is hard. Having experience in all three groups, I have found working from home is the best fit for our family.

And tomorrow, I'll be sharing the WHY behind how I've come to that conclusion! So check it out!

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