Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Overcoming the Perfectionism Trap

I'm a competitive person. I don't even want to play if there is no chance I might win. It's absolutely a family trait. Monopoly is like asking WWIII to erupt in the family living room.
That way of thinking makes me especially hard on myself. I can genuinely praise others and build them up all day long, but personally, it's easy for me to pick myself apart.
It's why I struggled with self-esteem for so long. It's why, in my earlier years, my self consciousness often came out as a rude and sarcastic at the expense of someone else (I'm still super sarcastic but now it's not pointed at others).
When I first started really pursuing health, and surrounding myself with others who saw the best in people, I slowly began to change my thinking and give myself credit; starting speaking a little nicer to MYSELF.
But can I be real? I still REALLY struggle in this area. And makes me feel like a phony. Because I SO BELIEVE in loving yourself but it's hard for me. Just the other day in conversation I discounted myself and my hard work, honing in on ONE area I struggle to see change.
I forget the muscles in my arms and shoulders that I notice while blow drying my hair and not flexing.
I forget the strength in my legs.
I forget that I can do more push ups now than a month ago. That I'm in a size smaller pants. That my skin is clearer because I'm eating better more regularly. That my kids like working out with me because I'm showing them it's FUN!
I get consumed with that little pouch of mine I can't seem to change.
Well here's a message- to me- and to all my competitive, perfectionist friends out there-
SEE YOURSELF! See your WHOLE self. Not the bad.
But the good.
The strong.
The capable.
The witty.
The kind.
The persevering spirit.
And love it all. <3 

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