Thursday, October 16, 2014

I've been there

 Sometimes it is easy for people that haven't known you long to assume things. I have had people tell me that they don't think I know their struggle because I am thin.  Or was thin before I got pregnant with Gabe.  

The fact of the matter is, my struggle with weight started long before that.  If you have watched my YouTube video you know how I packed on weight my first year of marriage.  

March 2010

April 2010

 Just before our first anniversary we learned we were pregnant.  It was an exciting time.  But that extra weight was combined with even more pounds packed on with pregnancy.  I didn't exercise.  I ate what I wanted.  I had reflux, heartburn, and back pain a lot throughout pregnancy.  

37 weeks; my heaviest weight

After Hudson I vowed to get lose the weight.  I hated my body.  It tormented me because nothing fit.  But notice, I vowed to lose the weight.  It wasn't about health, not yet.  I just wanted to look better.

The weight came off but my body still wasn't where I wanted it to be.  By the time Hudson was 14 months, I was still in a pant size that was bigger than typical and we were pregnant again.  

It was after Beau (our second) that I knew something had to change.  My body didn't like the crap I was putting into it.  I was unhappy and felt unattractive to my husband.  I also knew that I wasn't teaching my kids good habits if I wasn't being an example.  I worked really hard to change my body, my eating habits, and my overall health.  I connected with Beachbody products and FINALLY got results that I could be proud of! 
Before Beachbody. 6 months post partum with Beau

Feb 2014 size 2 
8 months using Beachbody products

Yet here I am again.  I am blessed with another baby and trying to get my body back.  This time I have the tools I need to get back to feeling good.  I had the best pregnancy because I chose to workout and eat right.  I recovered much quicker from my c-section this time.  

4 weeks post partum with third baby

Here is what I am telling you.  I have been there.  I have been at the point where I didn't think I could ever get the body I wanted.  Where I could ever just feel good about myself.  But I did.  And I will again.  And you can too!

Know that I understand the struggle. I have learned how to use exercise and clean eating to achieve results.  I want to share that with you.  The question is, will you let me?

1 comment:

  1. Hopping over from my blog :) and um, you look awesome for 4 weeks post partum after your 3rd! I'm excited to read through your blog and get some inspiration. I had my 3rd 12 weeks ago and it's definitely a struggle to lose the baby weight!

