Tuesday, March 18, 2014

When life gets busy

This blog is called Mama Finds Fitness.  So do know, that as a mama, I get it.  Finding fitness can be HARD as a mama.  I don't care what age your kiddos are, if they are still living at home, we mamas are B-U-S-Y! 

We either have littles that demand our attention and our time and create messes that take time to clean up and just as we finish cleaning up one mess or meal, there is another mess or someone needs a snack!

Or our kids are school aged and that means homework and practice and extra-curriculars and volunteering for the PTO Carnival/Book Fair/Family Reading Night supper.  

Or maybe your kids are even older and they can drive but the homework is harder, there are more events and let's face it, those "babies" still need us mamas.

But we have to remember ourselves.  We just do.  We can't be these super hero moms if we are running on diet cokes, pringles, and no sleep.  It just isn't possible. 

Today I really want to focus on nutrition.  Because for the longest time, for me that was the missing piece.  It was the one area of being healthy I just couldn't get a grasp on.  

It is hard to take the time out of our day and make ourselves a meal.  As moms, we must though.  So here are some tricks and tips I have used to keep  myself on track.

1. Menu plan.  Yes, it can be tedious at first. But I menu plan every week. Once you begin to do it, you will get quicker and quicker at it.  I include not only meals but snacks.  It helps me remember what to set out for dinner if something needs defrosted.  It saves me time when making a grocery list and at the store.  It saves me money because I am not buying unnecessary items.

Tip: If you want to use the same foods each day to save on food prep or budget further- go right ahead!!
Lots of variety

Keeping it simple

2. Food prep.  I know I posted about back here but it really is so simple.  I prep all my snacks and the kids' snacks for the week.  You CAN overfeed your kids, too! Childhood obesity isn't on the rise because we are giving them nutritious snacks in great serving sizes.  If you want to do your prep in an afternoon for the week- DO! If you want to do a little each night to prepare for the next day- DO! Find a system that works for you.  If you want to purchase snacks for your kids that are healthy and already portioned out- DO!!  

Tip: If your kids are older- make a healthy snack station in your pantry and fridge where they know to go to choose snacks.  My three year old can do this. He also knows he gets only pantry snack a day and the other snack is a fridge snack.  This cuts down on eating too much packaged food.  Even if it is healthy, fresh is best!

3. Shakeology.  This is my GO TO! At night I look at what the next day holds.  If we are going to be out running errands, if the morning is going to be quick out the door, if our evening is jammed packed- I will use Shakeology as my quick meal.  It takes me two minutes to make.  Seriously! It is yummy, has every bit on nutrition I need to fuel my body, and gives me a boost of energy.  

1 scoop Chocolate Shakeo
1/2 banana
2 teaspoons PB2
Water and Ice
Blend and enjoy!

4. If you can, make your meal time coincide with your kids.  I make my kids lunch first, get them settled, and then, as they eat, I make mine.  I did this just the other day.  It took me less than 10 minutes to get my food prepped, cooked and on my plate.  

5. If you work, plan your dinners to have some leftovers.  That is an easy way to ensure a healthy lunch the next day.  You can pack your lunch while you clean up the kitchen.  Two tasks done at the same time?! Talk about a time saver.

I get it.  Finding the time to eat and enjoy your food without a kid tugging on you is hard sometimes.  Even when I worked outside the home (as a teacher) many a lunch period was spent with a child who needed some extra help or needed caught up. Take on trick or tip from this list and apply it.  See how easy it can be.  Then add another.  Soon you will be eating healthy without taking up extra time!

What are some of your tricks to getting in healthy meals as a busy mom?


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