Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Breaking My Addiction

I  have been doing Les Mills Pump for 2.5 weeks now.  My body is definitely responding but not as good as I wanted it too.  And I know the cause.  I've known the cause forever.  If there is ever a stronghold in my life, it's this one. 

I am a sugar addict. 

I love it.  I love sweets.  I love breads and pastas.  I love those things and not in moderation.  And as much as I'd like to say that I can have a little bit and get right back on track, my addiction is strong.  I get derailed easily.  

One bite turns into a whole serving turns into the whole pan of brownies (cookies, cake, you fill it in). 

I had considerably began to limit the carbohydrates from grains when I started Max:30. But February got the best of me and my nutrition just has suffered.  

On top of that, caring for three kids under 4 {one being just 6 months old and still waking during the night bless him} I hated waking up groggy and not in control of what I was putting in my body. 

I decided to change some things.  I don't believe that in order to be healthy you have to deprive your body of anything.  I preach moderation to my team and my clients.  But I also preach knowing your weaknesses and learning how to have control over food, not the other way around.  How to eat to live, not live to eat. 

On Monday, I began my 30 day no sugar commitment.  Of course I am still getting sugar where it naturally occurs, but I am cutting out added sugars.  I also decided to limit my carbs.  I am still eating grains but not eating wheat.  

I don't necessarily care about the number on the scale.  The scale doesn't define me.  But I do care about how I feel when I put on my clothes.  I do care how I feel when I want to be intimate with my husband and I just don't "feel" sexy. I do care about having control over what goes into my body. 

I am halfway through day three.  I haven't indulged in PB&Js with my kiddos.  I haven't popped goldfish mindlessly.  The biggest #NSV: I haven't touched the box of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies sitting in our freezer. {Yes, that is how my family enjoys them} 

I am down weight from last week.  I do feel more energized (getting out of bed is still hard. I'm looking at you Gabe- I-Want-To-Eat-Every-4-Hours). 

I'm excited to continue these next 30 days.  It will be a battle.  It is my siblings', SIL's, husband's and I's birthday in a few weeks (you read that right; it's a lot). Easter is approaching aka Easter candy. But I have support and accountability from my team.  And I have goals.  

Height: 5'5"
Last Weight: 142.2 (Monday 3/9)
Current Weight: 141.4
Change: -0.8
Total Loss (since 8/21/14): 25 lbs

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