On December 29th, I began Shaun T.'s new program, Insanity Max:30. If you know me at all, I am not a fan of an all cardio workout. This program was that exactly but to the umpteenth degree.
I enlisted the support of some fellow coaches on my team and we began the program together. I knew I needed accountability. I was not planning on doing this program {probably ever} but I had gotten really complacent. I wasn't following a program consistently, I was allowing to many cheats, and the holidays did not help my trim my post pregnancy body.
In truth, I needed a swift, firm kick in the butt!
The premise of the program is to push yourself and max out every workout. And each workout thereafter, to push yourself a little farther, increase that max out time. I was really amazed at how quickly my body began responding to the workouts. My max time was steadily increasing. I could feel my body getting stronger. I was finding a rhythm again.
This program taught me so much. Before every workout, during the opening credits, Shaun T. gives a little pep talk. During those minutes before I began, I had to really get my mind right. The first month I was juggling my three kiddos, a nursing newborn, and a traveling husband. To say there were days I didn't want to do it, days I didn't want to push to my max out- would be an understatement.
Our mental statement is such an indicator of our success. Not only in fitness but in EVERYTHING. Negative self talk is destructive. If I told myself, I could take a break. If I told myself I could eat this cheat. If I told myself that my actions weren't paying off; if I focused on the parts of my body I {thought} weren't changing, I would have given up. If I didn't have the SUPPORT from my fellow coaches, I would have given up.
Here is what this program helped me accomplish in just 30 days.
That lesson of mental strength was an important one. The program is 60 days. (56 to be exact, less than that if you opt out of the optional Saturday workout.) The second month, all workouts are taken up a notch (or two). I had to have the mental strength to push myself.
Month two had a whole new set of obstacles. Two birthdays, my son's birthday party, Valentine's Day. I didn't miss a workout but my nutrition began to slip. I wanted the best results possible and I also wanted to break some habits I started to see creeping up.
To end Max:30 I paired it with the 3-Day Refresh. Tomorrow I will share those results as well as what I learned during those three days.
I definitely achieved progress with Max:30. I saw results. I pushed myself harder than I ever have in a workout. I saw myself gain strength and muscle. I increased endurance and stamina. My legs and arms have tone like they maybe never have. All without a weight.
Here are my results from Day 1---> Day 30 ---> Day 60
This program changed my mindset. It changed my body. It changed my view of myself and what I was capable of. I know that anyone can find success with this program. It isn't easy. But it is MORE THAN worth it!
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