Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Moving on

Last week my challenge group and I wrapped up our P90x3 journey.  I honestly can't believe it's over.  I can't believe I stuck with something so long! Looking back on it, I feel like it flew by, but then I think- well, geez, it's April and we started in January so maybe "flew by" isn't exactly right! (I'll be sharing my 90 day photos as well as my final thoughts on the program later this week.)

As much as I loved x3, and how it challenged me, and good ol' Tony Horton's humor, I am definitely ready for a change.  Change is good.  Doing the same workout routine over and over gets BORING! It also doesn't confuse the body. The body learns what to expect.

So yesterday I kicked off the 21 Day Fix.  I have been the nutrition side for the past few weeks while I finished P90x3. But yesterday I got to go full throttle into the program.  I don't know what it is about starting something new that feels so good to me.  It is like a fresh slate, a new challenge.  And even though I love the Fix nutrition and did well the first week or so, I got WAY off track here lately.  There are five birthdays in the month of March in my family. So I really felt like for the last couple of weeks I was always having a little birthday treat here or there.  Nothing wrong with an occasional indulgence.  I just felt my occasional indulgences were happening more regularly then occasionally <--- You feel me?? 

What I love so far (two days in) is that this workout is another quick one! Thirty minutes and I am done- warm up, work out, cool down! It works my whole body and it is such a change of pace from P90x3.  I decided a couple of things when before I started this workout. 
--One- I was going to do the workouts in the morning.  At 20 weeks pregnant, by the time I go through my day, I just wasn't feeling motivated to go get that workout in like I was before.  I also didn't feel like I was giving it my all.  I don't like that feeling during a workout. With the fix being only 30 minutes, I can easily get up before my boys, get it done and go about my day. SO NICE!
--Two- Nutrition.  I am still in the lowest bracket given my calculations using the fix.  But I also noticed it was leaving me a little hungry as the baby starts to grow and is beginning to need those additional calories.  I decided for me I needed to make some adjustments. Being pregnant doesn't mean I can eat whatever I want, but it does mean I needed to approach the nutrition a bit differently.  I added another green (veggie) to my plan, as well as another blue (healthy fat).  Doing that gives me some additional calories, I feel satisfied and more energetic.  I know that I will probably go up to the next tier in a few weeks as I gain with the pregnancy, but it is nice to have a plan to keep me on track.

I can't wait to see where I am after these 3 weeks.  I know I won't have six pack abs but I will be continuing to tone and build muscle.  

Autumn said on day 1 "One day at a time, one pound a time." I won't be losing, but I can sure take it one day at a time and hopefully steadily gain those pounds versus how I gained in the past! 

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